The results are endless …
"BMD's Joint Drip is a must have during New England's cold months for me. As someone who is a crafter and who has recently began to deal with the issues of carpal tunnel, its a complete life saver. I went from not being able to hold a pen for five minutes, to doing full crafts thanks to Butter Me Down.
— Nyelis Correra, LE | Providence RI
"I lost full rotation in my right shoulder and cannot apply any weight or pressure on it. I used BMD's Joint Drip every morning and night and I noticed I was able to work my shoulder a lot more. It doesn't crack as much as it use to, and I'm starting to notice it doesn't hurt as much when I roll over and sleep on it at night now.
— 1st time customer | Providence, RI
“My love! It's the third time me using Butter Me Down's The Joint Drip and oh my!!!! I am able to do my exercises with minimum pain and discomfort. After the car accident I was involved in, it left me bad on my right shoulder. I'm using it every night!”
— Benita Madera | Plantation, FL

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